Prevent mental illness in the workplace and create sustainable employees

BlueCall improves mental health in the workplace by offering anonymous, easily accessible sessions with a therapist in the app. With the help of BlueCall, employees and leaders get effective tools to handle all the challenges of everyday life, both at work and in their private life.

With BlueCall you offer employees

Sessions with professional therapists

Free, digital and anonymous sessions with our professional therapists, customised after the employees’ individual needs.

Guaranteed help within 24 hours

Easily accessible help, Monday to Sunday between 07-23, and guaranteed contact with a therapist within 24 hours.

Digital tools for self-help

The activities, articles, and trainings in the app increase mental health knowledge and lead to positive behavioral changes.

Digital leadership tools

Digital tools for managers and HR, to help them improve their leadership and get better at supporting their employees through the ups and downs.

Innovative companies use BlueCall

“Since we have employees throughout the Nordic region, it was important for us to find a platform that works outside of Sweden as well. We believe that therapy and online coaching is a very good complement to the flexible way of working, that has mainly been developed during and after the pandemic. In addition, BlueCall’s talk therapists have extensive experience in therapy, which we value highly.”

Helena Fidan, HR Director at Samsung Electronics Nordic

“Working preventively is very important for us at ICA Försäkring, partly from a company perspective but of course also from a purely human perspective. No one benefits from not working preventatively with injuries, accidents, stress and anxiety. Therefore, it feels very good for us at ICA Försäkring to supplement our customer offering with the opportunity to talk to a talk therapist.”

Caroline Farberger, CEO at ICA Försäkring

“Being able to see a clear reduction in the risk of sick leave is strong proof that preventive measures are of great value to us as a company. With the sharp increase in mental illness, that we see in society today, it is our responsibility as employers to do what we can to not become part of the growing statistics.”

Ida Wirmark, Head of People and Performance at Academic Work

High value for a low cost

It costs less to collaborate with BlueCall and offer your employees free therapy than it does to buy your employees’ lunch once a month.

How do you get started with BlueCall?

1. Plan

Together, we set the goals for the collaboration and a plan for the onboarding. We determine which communication channels are to be used and when the implementation should take place.

2. Implement

We provide information about BlueCall through your internal communication channels and hold a presentation of the product and all tools in the app for both employees and managers.

3. Evaluate

BlueCall compiles statistics and feedback from your employees and we jointly evaluate the results of the onboarding and put together an action plan for how to move forward.

Our therapists

✓ Higher education in a human care profession
✓ Education in Talk Therapy or Licensed Psychotherapists
✓ Trained in the conversational method Motivational Interviewing (MI).

Competence in several areas:

  • Stress management
  • Anxiety and worry
  • Relationships
  • Career and leadership
  • Conflict management
  • Personal development

Investing in sustainable employees pays off

0 employees in your workplace
0 colleagues
on average are struggling with their mental wellbeing
Average savings per year

Book a consultation with BlueCall to increase the profitability of your company.

Estimated figures are based on research from Karolinska Institutet and internal BlueCall impact measurements.

Curious about how BlueCall can help your company?

Take the first steps towards creating sustainable employees and book a consultation with one of our representatives today! Our friendly team is here to answer all of your questions. Together, we can tailor a complete solution that suits your organization’s specific needs.

Don’t miss the latest from us – subscribe to our newsletter!

Free handbook about how to increase the motivation within your team!

Maintaining motivation within your team has over the last few years been one of the biggest challenges for managers and leaders.

BlueCall therefore offers our handbook “Creating motivated employees” completely free of charge! The guide is full of tips from our psychology department on how you as a manager can coach and inspire employees in uncertain times.

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