Matchning agent and therapists


  • What does the matching process look like?
    The matchning process is how we match you with the best therapist for your needs. Our matching agent Nicci, who is a certified therapist and who has many years of experience working in clinical psychiatry, will ask you questions about your mental wellbeing and what you wish to get help with. She will also ask if you have any preferences when it comes to therapist, eg. specialist within a specific area, language etc.. When she has all the information needed she will suggest a therapist and you will then have the opportunity to look at their profile and read more about them. If you accept the match you can go ahead and write directly to your therapist in your private chat and book a session.

  • Are your therapists qualified?
    Yes, all our therapists have at least a B.A in a caring profession from a university, eg. sociologist, nurse, behavioural scientist, and at least basic education in psychotherapy / stage 1, or are psychotherapists. All of them are also trained in the motivational conversation method, also called MI.

  • Can I change therapist if I want to try someone else?
    Absolutely, just write to Nicci and she will help you out.

  • Am I anonymous in the app and in the sessions with my therapist?
    You are always 100% anonymous in the app and you do not have to give the therapist your name if you do not want to.

  • What can I talk to the therapist about?
    You can talk to your therapist about anything you want to and feel comfortable talking about. Many of our users look for help at BlueCall for work related problems as well as private challenges. You can also talk to our therapists if you want to get coached and develop a personal skill.

  • I am generally feeling ok, can I still speak to a therapist?
    Of course, you can speak to a therapist even if you are feeling good. It is healthy to have someone to speak to during all stages of our lives and you do not have to feel a particular way in order to speak to a therapist.

  • I have a new problem, is my therapist experienced within that area as well or should I change therapist?
    Start by asking your therapist if they are experienced within the new area, if you feel comfortable asking them directly. Otherwise, ask Nicci to help you out. If the therapist is not experienced within the new area or if you want to change either way, Nicci will help you find a new therapist.

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