Sessions and prices ➤


  • How do I book a session?
    To book a session, you first need to be matched with one of our therapists. Once you are matched, just write to your therapist directly in your private chat and agree on a day and time.

  • How do I know how many sessions I have from my employer?
    If you can not find the information about how many pre-paid sessions you have in the material that you have received from your employer, you can always ask Nicci and she can check it for you.

  • How/when do I get more sessions?
    You usually have access to a set number of pre-paid sessions per year depending on when your employer’s agreement with us is renewed. You can ask Nicci directly in the chat when your renewal date is.

    You may be able to get more sessions even before your contract is renewed, but this varies from employer to employer. Either ask your HR for more sessions, or write to Nicci if that feels more comfortable.

  • Can I continue having sessions with my therapist, even if I have used all my pre-paid sessions?
    Yes, you can do that but then you either have to contact our matching agent Nicci or your HR, to see if you can get more free sessions or you will have to pay for the sessions yourself. A 45-minute sessions costs 695 SEK and you can easily enter your payment card as new payment method in the app.

  • Do you take a “frikort”? What does a session cost? Why does it cost?
    No, we are not connected to healthcare and therefore do not take “frikort”. This is also why the sessions cost more than if you where to have a session via the health care. However, we are still offering sessions to a lower rate than usual when you talk to a therapist privately and we can guarantee 100% anonymity.

    A 45-minute sessions costs 695 SEK, if you do not have access to free sessions via your employer.

  • How does it work when it is time to have a session? What do I need to do?
    When it is time for your session, you enter the private chat with your therapist and wait for them to invite you to your session. The session can be held through a call in the app or directly in the chat if you prefer to write. You can decide this beforehand, while making the booking so that you are both prepared.

  • Do I need to prepare anything before my session with the therapist?
    No, you do not have to prepare anything, unless you want to of course. One way to prepare can be to write down a few points of things you want to bring up before the sessions, so that you remember what it is you want to talk to the therapist about. However, there are no expectations or demands on you before, during or after the session. The sessions are for you.

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