Installing the app, account and
safety ➤


  • How do I create an account in the BlueCall app?
    If you have BlueCall via your employer, you can create an account in any of the following ways:
    Click on the the link or scan the QR-code which takes you to App Store or Google Play. Download the app and click on “Create new account”. Then follow the instructions in the app.
    Download the BlueCall-app straight from App Store or Google Play. Create an account using your work email. You are 100% anonymous in the app!

    If you do not have BlueCall through your employer, you can just go directly to App Store or Google Play and download the app. Then, click on “Create new account” and follow the steps.
  • Why do you ask for my email?
    We ask for your email so that you can safely and easily access your account if you get logged out. We do not have access to your email address and it is only used for your sake, so that only you can access your account. Your email address is not linked to your user ID in the app, you are 100% anonymous.

  • I have access to Bluecall through my employer. How do I connect my account to the company I work for?
    You connect your account by downloading the app via the link or QR code you received from your employer via email or your intranet. If you have already downloaded the app on your own, you can create an account using you work email. That way we can link your email domain to your employer. You are always 100% anonymous.
  • I forgot my password, how do I reset it?
    To reset your password, follow these steps:
    1. First click on “Log in”.
    2. Enter the email you provided when registering your account and proceed.
    3. Click on “Forgot password?” and follow the instructions in the app.
  • How can you ensure that I am anonymous in the app?
    We never collect or save any personal information. There will be no connection between you and your BlueCall account (we can not trace any user account to a specific person), eg. between an Apple ID and user account, or email address and user account.

  • Am I anonymous to my therapist?
    Yes. The therapists never have any personal information of the user. The therapists write down a summary of your sessions in the app, for you to see, but do have access to your medical record and will therefore not enter any information about your sessions in there. The therapists only have access to the chat history for the users who have ongoing sessions.

  • What is your security for data storage?
    We have closed access to the database. Our systems are the only ones that can communicate with the database, in tech language this is called Virtual Private Cloud. Data can not be read in the event of a breach of the database. All data linked to the user’s account is stored and managed within the EU and in accordance with the regulations governing data storage.

  • For how long do you save the chat history?
    We do save the chat history (which cannot be traced to a specific individual) with the aim of being able to provide the best service to our users. If you as a user notify us that you want to deactivate your account, we will delete the data within 24 hours.

  • How does BlueCall protect users and how does BlueCall make users feel safe in letting BlueCall manage their data?
    When users / employees download the app, they are automatically protected by BlueCall’s privacy policy, which can be read and approved before entering the app. The employee is always anonymous to their therapist and to us at BlueCall. Identification never takes place at any stage. The data processor and data controller do not have access to personal data either. Data is processed in an anonymised way.

  • How does BlueCall ensure that no one but the employee or user themselves gets access to their BlueCall account and their chat history? 
    Users can create an account which is protected with a password that they choose.

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