The BlueCall-app and content


  • What is the difference between articles, activities and trainings?
    Articles in the app are shorter texts that summarize an area within mental health and are there for you to learn more about yourself and your mental well-being.
    Activities are exercises that take somewhere between 5-10 minutes to complete and that in various ways promote good mental health.
    Trainings are more comprehensive than articles and activities and can be seen as short courses within various mental health topics, such as stress, psychological resilience and recovery.

    All our digital tools are scientifically reviewed and available for you so that you can work preventively and proactively with your mental health, in addition to the sessions with our therapists.

  • How do I use my daily check-in / mood tracker?
    Your daily check-in can be used as a way for you to follow your mental state and mood over time. You can also use your daily check-in as a journal, as you can take notes while you complete the registration. Only you can see your daily check-in and read your notes.

  • Can I save activities and trainings for later?
    As for now, you can only mark the activities that you like or want to find your way back to. To do this, click on the heart in the upper left corner.

  • How do I use the journaling feature in the app?
    You can journal in the app when you do your daily check-in. You can also change your notes later on by clicking on “All history” in the menu bar and click on the specific day you made the note that you want to change or add to.

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