Professional therapists

  • BlueCall’s therapists all have extensive experience of therapeutic conversations and coaching. All our therapists have a university degree in a human care profession, as a sociologist, nurse or licensed psychotherapist for example.
  • In addition, all therapists have a basic psychotherapy education and are trained in the evidence based conversational technique Motivational Interviewing.
  • At BlueCall, everyone has a duty of confidentiality.
  • Each user is matched with a therapist based on their own needs and preferences. The user works together with the therapist to develop an action plan that is suitable for the specific individual’s situation. No problem is too small for BlueCall.

Wise, great listener, and empathetic. Helped me to listen to myself and find the decisions and thoughts that are true to me.

Anonymous User

A wise woman with similar experiences as me and who could advise me in a good way after many years of practice.

Anonymous User

I’m very happy to have had my first session with Jess. She is truly understanding and asks the right questions to seek deep inside. 

Anonymous User

The Psychology Department is run by our psychologist Milla Leskinen

Milla is a licensed psychologist and the Head of Psychology here at BlueCall. She has a master’s degree in Psychology from Uppsala University and has previously worked, amongst other things, with treating adults with depression and anxiety with CBT in specialist psychiatry. The psychology department ensures that:

  • All content in the app and in our lectures / webinars are based on science
  • That we only offer evidence-based conversational methods
  • Ensures quality and high security for users in the app

Our process


All our therapists have a university degree in a human care profession and have a basic psychotherapy education as well as an education in motivational interviewing (MI).


Our goal is to only work with the best therapists. Therefore, we are careful about who we choose to work with, to ensure that the user receives the best support.


Continuous follow-up is important to ensure quality. We measure the effect of the sessions on an ongoing basis. You as a user can also rate your therapist in the app.

“I can help you who want to get a new perspective on your life situation, regardless of whether it is about your private life or your work life. We do this together!”

Karin, Sociologist, BlueCall

“My role is to help you look at situations with a new perspective, whether it’s about the relationship with yourself, your partner, colleagues, friends or family.”

Kristin, Leg. psychotherapist, BlueCall

“I want to focus on boundaries, balance in everyday life, sleep and recovery. I will help you find a long-term solution to your situation!”

Åsa, Therapist, BlueCall

“I can help you find long-term solutions to your unique situation. You get tools to sort out thoughts and feelings and live the life you want to live.”

Mathias, Therapist, BlueCall

Do you want to work as a therapist at BlueCall?

We are always looking for committed therapists who together with us want to help more people get someone to talk to and create positive change. Feel free to apply and we will get in touch with more information!

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