Get the most of your workday from home

According to a study from Stanford University, you can with the right setting and tools increase productivity in your home environment. You may be one of those that are affected by the Corona crisis and therefore need to adapt to work from home during these times. We can with our four simple steps to demonstrate how you can achieve an increased balance, productivity, and creativity in your home setting.

  1. Begin your workday as you normally would
    Remember the morning routine you had before the Corona crisis and continue with that same routine even when working from home. Make sure to get ready in the morning just as before, take a shorter morning walk to get some fresh air and structure your working day. 
  2. Create a home office Create an ergonomic and dedicated place in your home where you delimit that space to work-related tasks. Organize that area after what brings you harmony, e.g surround yourself with plants and sit in a room with a lot of natural light to increase your energy during the day. Try to avoid working from your bed or the couch, as your brain associates it with sleep and recovery. 
  3. Schedule your working dayMake sure to schedule your working day, planning creates a feeling of order and control which makes you more productive during your day. Don’t forget to make time for lunch, training, and regular breaks to recharge your batteries.
  4. Maintain social interactionsIt’s of importance to maintain social interactions with your colleagues during the time you spend so much time at home. Therefore, you should make sure to have regular lunches and coffee breaks with your colleagues by using the available technology.

Would you like additional tips on how to optimize your working day from home or do you need help with something else? We would love to help you! 

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