Rituals and BlueCall create routines to increase employee well-being

Rituals, with the unique concept of combining home and body cosmetics, was founded with the mission to transform everyday routines into meaningful moments, and thereby help people find inner peace in a stressful society. As an employer, Rituals aim to do the same for their employees. To continue this quest, Rituals are working together with BlueCall to help their employees create everyday routines that increase well-being.

In our retail company we have a lot of young, high performing women who work in a busy environment, serving customers and achieving challenging goals every day. As everyone else, our employees sometimes struggle to cope with everyday life issues, such as stress, work-life balance, leadership concerns etc. On top of that we are dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic which of course adds extra mental challenges. The collaboration with BlueCall is more important than ever right now.

Says Malin Hedin, Manager HR Advise at Rituals. 

Caroline Rödén, CEO and co-founder of BlueCall, is proud to work with Rituals to prevent mental health issues and help employees in their everyday challenges.

The vision of BlueCall is to help millions of people all around the world to a better well-being, very similar to the mission of Rituals. We at BlueCall are very happy to collaborate with Rituals and work together to achieve our common goal, to increase well-being in a stressful society.

Announces Caroline Rödén CEO at BlueCall 

Malin Hedin continues to explain why they at Rituals chose to collaborate with BlueCall, and how employee well-being goes hand in hand with successful business. 

We love the purpose and philosophy behind BlueCall. It is a modern, easy and affordable benefit and tool for us to use to empower well-being amongst our Rituals heartbeats. We genuinely care about our employee’s well-being and want to invest in tools that give real effect on our health. We know that if our employees feel good, they will have the energy to give the best service to our customers, and that will have a good effect on the business in the end.

Concludes Malin Hedin, Manager HR Advise at Rituals. 

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