Technical issues


  • Sometimes my therapist can not hear me for a few seconds, while we have our session, but I can still hear the therapist. Why does this happen and how do I solve it?
    We’re sorry you’re experiencing issues, but we have a solution to this! Have a look at your screen lock settings. The stated problem is usually caused by your phone going into sleep mode, ie. the “screen lock” feature is activated. If you turn this off your phone’s settings before the call, you should not have this problem again. But, if this does not help, please contact us or Nicci and we will help you!

  • I don’t get any notifications, what do I do?
    Most often this depends on your notification settings in the phone. So, go to “settings” and then click on “notifications”. Make sure you have approved receiving notifications from BlueCall.

    If you have approved notifications, but still do not receive any from us, check to see if there is an updated version of the app available, by searching for BlueCall in Google Play or the App Store. If there is an updated version available, it will say “update” where it usually says “download” or “open”.

    If you have checked everything mentioned above and it still does not work, write to us and we will help you.

  • I’m having technical issues, what do I do?
    Please contact our support directly via the website (bottom right corner) or write to Nicci in the app. Explain the problems you are having as detailed as possible, so that we can help you quickly and easily.

  • I got logged out from the app, how do I log back in?
    You log in again by clicking on “Log in” below the button that says “Create new account”. Then follow the following steps in the app:
    1. Enter the email address you provided when registering your account.
    2. Enter your password (4 digits).
    3. Enter the verification code sent to the email you entered – done!

  • I got logged out from the app and I have tried to follow the steps mentioned above but it still doesn’t work, what do I do?
    Contact us directly via the website, you will find the chat in the bottom right corner. The more information you can give us about what is not working, the quicker we can help you.

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